Lixin Ye

Lixin Ye

Lixin Ye



449A Arps Hall
1945 N. High St.
Columbus, OH

Google Map

Areas of Expertise

  • Contract Theory
  • Industrial Organization
  • Experimental Economics
  • Auctions


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Stanford University, June 2001

Lixin Ye is currently a Professor of Economics at the Ohio State University. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 2001. Since then he has been a faculty member of the Department of Economics at The Ohio State University.

Dr. Ye’s research interests focus on auctions, industrial organization, contract theory, and experimental economics. These interests include the study of optimal auctions with costly entry, the design and functioning of some real world auction markets, experimental testing of auction mechanisms, and competitive nonlinear pricing. He has published articles in peer reviewed journals including the Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, and International Economic Review.  In addition, he has been a frequent reviewer for more than 20 professional journals and several national research grants.

Dr. Ye’s recently published research includes studies of the impact of increased competition on market coverage, contract variety, and nonlinear taxation system.  His current research also involves understanding how resale opportunities affect auctions with entry and auctions with synergies.  He continues his study in the areas of market design and industrial organization.

Dr. Ye has taught courses on Game Theory, Auction Theory, and Information Economics on the graduate level, and Intermediate Microeconomics on the undergraduate level.

