Jose Miguel Abito

Jose Mike Abito

Jose Miguel Abito

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor

421 Arps Hall
1945 N High St
Columbus, OH 43210

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Jose Miguel Abito (or Mike) is an applied microeconomist with research interests in industrial organization, regulation and environmental economics. Mike’s research spans a variety of topics such as evaluating incentives in regulated industries, understanding consumer misinformation and its welfare consequences, and developing theoretical and empirical methodologies to study questions in antitrust and regulation. Industries and markets that he has studied include the electricity industry, the extended warranty market, and the infant formula industry. His work has been published in top economics journals including the Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Review, Journal of Industrial Economics, and International Journal of Industrial Organization. He has a co-authored book published by the Oxford University Press entitled Corporate Reputation and Social Activism: Strategic Interaction, Firm Behavior, and Social Welfare.

Prior to joining OSU, Mike was an Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania where he taught the core intermediate microeconomics course for Wharton undergraduates and won a teaching award. He served as a representative to the Wharton Faculty Council for Undergraduate Research and was a participant in a University-wide Initiative for Inclusive Teaching. At OSU, he is teaching the undergraduate course Econ 4700 Government & Business, and a PhD course in Empirical Methods in Industrial Organization.

Mike grew up in the Philippines and moved to Singapore for his undergraduate studies. He then moved to Toulouse, France to begin his graduate studies in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics. He received his PhD in Economics from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.
